React Function Components vs Class Components
What are React Components?
Components are the building blocks of a react app. They are kind of like JavaScript functions. They accept inputs (props) and return React elements. They come in two different types- class components (or stateful components) and function components (or presentational components). The best practice is to use function components as much as possible.
Class Components
A class component is a JavaScript class that extends react Component. They are stateful, contain logic and require a render() method.
To define a React component class, you need to extendComponent
, this creates inheritance to React’s Component and gives us access React Component’s functions (such as the required render() function).
The only method in React Component we must define in a class component is render(). The other methods (ex componentDidMount() shown below) are optional. Render is invoked whenever the component needs to update and a component is updated whenever there is a change in the components state or props .
Function Component
A functional component is just a JavaScript function which accepts props as and returns a React element. It is stateless unless React Hooks are used. They are usually used for presentational purposes. The below example is a presentational component that takes in props and creates a button that contains the data from props.
- Class components are stateful, contain logic and have lifecycle functions
- Function components are stateless (unless React Hooks are used), their only job is to display data and they don’t have access to lifecycle functions